I did it again. (ignore the Britney reference). I deserted my poor little blog. Not that the four of you who read this have noticed, but I still feel like a terrible mom for neglecting my little baby blog.
So since my last post..
I've finished my sophomore year of college
I've started and finished a summer school class
I've started working as a Children' Intern for the second summer
We had an amazing sports camp with our kiddos at church
Spent the night with our 3rd - 6th grade girls
I turned 20
My mom had surgery
I began moving into my HOUSE
..all things that should are blog worthy and deserve posts, as well as a myriad of other things. But it's not gonna happen. Instead you're getting one giant post with all of the above in it.
I finished my sophomore year of college
okay. i blogged about this already. but its official. I'm on to my junior year of college. bring it on.
Started and finished a summer school class.
the beauty of community college is that I completed an entire semester's worth of american literature in 3 weeks, without working my tush off too much, and still managed an A. yes please.
Started my second summer as a Children's intern.
MAN I love this job. Seriously. I get to spend every day in an office of people that bring me such joy, and when we aren't working in the office, we are doing stuff with our amazing kiddos. Wednesday nights are my favorite. I get to teach the 2nd through 5th grade students with the help of my sweet friend Melissa. We spend 20 minutes of it just singing and dancing around and just praising God, and it is so truly amazing. We've adopted "the Potato Chip" song as our official song of the summer. Each week the kids add more and more verses to it, and it's possibly the best moment of my week. I leave each Wednesday night exhausted, hair in a messy bun, and so full of joy.
Sports Camp
And on the subject of sweaty, messy fun with our kids.. we had a Sports Camp a few weeks ago for the kids. This year we decided to have this Sports Camp instead of a VBS. Each night the kids got to go to two sports sessions, a bible lesson, and some fun group singing time. I was with our 4 and 5 year olds. Considering my lack of sports knowledge- that was definitely the right place for me. This week was SO MUCH FUN. It ran so smoohly and the kids had a blast. They learned about Breaking free from things of this world to the eternal. The best part of camp was the singing. We started and ended each night with some high-enegery singing and dancing to songs that said things like "You are the good news, good news! you are the dance in my shoes!" ,,The cd is still on repeat in my car.
Oh and did I mention I got pied in the face? We made a deal that if all of our preschoolers said their memory verse (Hebrews 12:1) by the end of camp, Coco (the other intern) and I had to get pied in the face... well wouldn't you know that of course they all learned their verse!

Girl's night with the 3rd through 6th graders
i remember sleepovers when I was that age. All we wanted to do was stay up all night long giggling and doing hair, and any grownup who said we needed to go to sleep was so lame. I hate to admit that I am now one of those grown ups. The sleepover was fun- we made pizzas, painted nails, did facials, swam, baked cupcakes, and even "wrapped" a house.. if you can call it that. And at midnight we put on a movie thinking all the girls would fall asleep. Wrong. At 2am everyone- except for Co and I- were wide awake. They were wide awake at 3am also when one girl decided she was soooo hungry and just couldn't bear it. And they were wide awake at 7am when everyone wanted to jump in the pool for a morning swim. No thanks.

I turned 20.
Golly, I can't be that old. I'm still playing dress up in my mom's shoes and lining up my teddy bears and dolls on the couch to play school. But somehow I'm 20. It was pretty uneventful, my mom was in the hospital, so I spent the afternoon with her (after being totally embarassed at the office with birthday gear- thanks Co). Thank you everyone who made the day so special.

And speaking of surgery.
My mom went into the Hospital of June 28 for back surgery, for what should have been an in one day, out the other surgery. She still hasn't left. With one complication after another, we are a definitely ready for her to come home. But it's looking like it still might be a few days. Your thoughts and prayers are definitely appreciated.
I have a house.
I made a quick (I'm talking less that 48 hours long) trip to Abilene on Friday and Saturday. To begin moving furniture into my house. My roommates are both already moved in and living there, but this was my first time to get to be in the house now that it's ours. and it's perfect. Kelly went with me and we cooked dinner and emptied the storage room and had the perfect time in my perfect little house. Even the perfect teddy bear American wallpaper..
Okay, I think that should fill you in on my life for the most part. I promise to be a better blogger this summer. Really, I do. Until next time..
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