But you wanna know the worst part of having the flu? I've never had it before. Now normally this would be cause for celebration- I've never had the flu until my sophomore year of college? yay! How lucky I am to have a healthy immune system! But it's frustrating, too. You know the game "I Have Never" where you hold up 10 fingers and go around in a circle and say something you haven't done, and if you have done it, you put a finger down? (yes, I know this is a drinking game as well.. but I don't do that..) Well "i have never had the flu" was ALWAYS the card I played! EVERYONE has had the flu, and that was always sure to get someone out. Well gosh darn it, I can't say that anymore.
Okay, so maybe that's a little dramatic. I do feel very blessed that my immune system has held up until now.
Well, I'm off. Time for another nap.. prayers for fast healing would be greatly appreciated! :)

my hot valentines date: campbells and cough syrup
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