Sunday, January 23, 2011

I Get A Little Bit Stronger

Well, I've finished my first week of second semester sophomore year! And what a week it was. This semester is going to be crazy, and exciting, and trying, and stressful to say the least.. but I'm ready for it. I'm taking 18 hours which makes me want to throw up just thinking about. But it's 18 hours of classes that I'm totally passionate about. Not like you care all that much but I'm taking: integrated math & science for preschool-2nd grade (try abbreviating that one to write in your planner..), early language and literacy, an intro to reading class that is totally going to kick my tush, art for elementary teachers (no judgements, no laughing.. it's not the blow off you think it is), introduction to special ed, and Christianity in Culture. All classes that I know I will learn SO much in.. but I will definitely be working hard. But that's part of growing up, right?

Now to add even more.. I'm doing sing song this year with the sophomore class! I am so excited.. we've had a couple rehearsals so far, and they have made me realize how much I really, really miss being in choir. Plus we are trying to deal with finding a house right now. I'm going to be living in a house next year.. how crazy is that? I'm not old enough to be doing things like renting houses and paying bills. I'm definitely still a little kid playing dress up.

But all of that adds up to one stressed-out little Courtney. And if you know me at all, you know I seem to worked up over the tiniest little details. So I'm already anticipating the amount of hair that I will pull out of my head this semester. But I just need to keep reminding myself that I'm doing what I'm supposed to be doing..

I called my Mom wednesday night.. I was already overwhelmed by all of my classes and I just was freaking out about my workload and other stuff going on right now and she said to me "Courtney.. Remember, You are doing exactly what you're supposed to be doing." And she's so right. I spent ALL last year freaking out about whether I was doing the right thing, or if I was following God's plan for me.. or just trying to figure out what that plan was. Well, I'm still not totally sure of what that plan is. But until I have a more definite answer, I know I'm doing the right thing for me. And through all of the craziness this semester holds, I just need to hold on to that.

ps. blog title is from the Country Strong soundtrack. If you haven't seen this movie GO. I'm obsessed!

Friday, January 14, 2011

happy hour hope

So last Sunday Rick preached about hope and having hope when there really isn't anything else to hold on to- which is such a great message, especially around this time of year. And as a church we are starting this new project where, when we're going through a drive through, ask to pay for the person's meal behind you and then have the waiter or whoever give them a card with Bammel's website and mission statement on it. And when this was first explained I was just like, great this is just another way to advertise Bammel, and I wasn't too keen on it. But when people go to the website there is supposed to be a link for people who have been given the cards. There it's supposed to have some little message of hope or something. Pretty neat deal.

So I hung out with Kelly today- which is always a good time. We've been best friends since we were in osh-kosh and we still haven't run out of things to talk and laugh about. At about 3:30 We decided we were craving some sonic happy hour. On our way there, I realized we needed to give out one of the Bammel cards (hence the extremely cheesy title of this blog). I didn't have one with me, but Kelly did. So we pulled through up to the drive thru and there wasn't anyone behind us to pay for. And by this time it's like 3:55.. So we decided to wait until right before happy hour was over and if no one came, then we would just move on. And literally at 3:58 a car pulled in behind us. So we got to pay for this guy's diet dr. pepper and give him one of the cards :) And it felt SO good! I have no idea who this guy was and he has no idea who we are, which is kind of beautiful about it. It's not about Kelly or me, or even Bammel. It's about giving a little bit of hope.

One another note- my winter break is finally drawing to a close! I'm going back to Abilene on Sunday and I'm so excited. You're completely going to judge me for this- but I'm so excited about my classes this semester! I officially got accepted into the teacher education program (ahhh!) so I'm finally beginning lots of coursework for my major. I'm so so so excited about it. I realize I'm a total nerd for saying that, but I don't even care. And I'm excited to be back with my roommate (Just one roommate :( B is leaving for a semester. But she's being a grown-up and I'm so very proud of her!) I'm not gonna lie, I'm going to miss being home! I've gotten so accustomed to staying up all night and sleeping all day- which is a horrible habit. And I love being home with my family. They will definitely be missed.

Sorry this was such a novel!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

in a relationship

So tonight was Lifegroup at the precious Maddox house. I have absolutely loved having this on my Sunday nights over break. It's like a sweet little way to get my week started every Sunday night.. love it. Well, Matt came tonight and our lesson or discussion for tonight, was that we had to go around and say one thing we can be praying for to improve or resolve our relationship with God. I was amazed as everyone went around the circle that I could seriously apply every single thing to my life. Things like
-spending more time in the word
-spending more time in prayer
-being intentional with our relationships
-seeing people through God's eyes
-being a light to others
-putting God first
-having patience
-knowing that God is in control

...seriously. I need help with every single one of those! Before it was my turn to talk I honestly wasn't sure what I was going to say because I could think of SO many things I could to do to improve my relationship with the Lord. And that just bothers me so much. I am SUCH a perfectionist in a lot of aspects of my life. Seriously, ask my roommates. When it comes to school work, everything has to be in apple-pie order. but when it comes to my relationship with God- the MOST IMPORTANT part of my life, I'm not so serious. And that's pretty not okay. I'm supposed to have a relationship with him- and I think sometimes I view it as something much more distant than that. But being in a relationship requires work on both parts.. and trust me, God's sure doing his part. I'm just not always doing mine.

So this semester I am focusing on renewing and rebuilding that oh-so important relationship. Don't freak out, mom. School isn't taking a back-seat. I'm just going to do a LOT better job of being a part of my relationship with the Lord. week until I'm back in Abilene and back to work!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

all you need is love

So it's 5 days into the new years and I'm not going to tell you how my goals are coming along, because I know you'll be disappointed. But that's why I made GOALS and not resolutions. But I did buy 2 books today, so I'm doing well on the reading thing so far :)

Speaking of reading-- I was reading the newspaper this morning (..let that sink in. Someone please be impressed) and I was reading an article on the death of this little boy Jonathan. If you live in the Houston area, I'm sure you've heard about it on the news. This little boy was kidnapped on Christmas Eve and murdered. I don't know all of the details. The memorial/funeral was yesterday or Monday and the article was all about it. It was very sweet and well written, and of course there was something that stuck out to me that I had to blog about. This was a quote from the guy who did the service: "Love people. Forget what they look like. Forget what they act like. Forget what you think you may know about them. Just love them. Jonathan did."

Oh goodness, why do Children teach us some of the greatest lessons in life. So often I think we limit loving people to those who are most similar to us. Those who share the same beliefs, clothes, paychecks, etc. But that's so hypocritical of us! And i'm saying us, because I am SO beyond guilty of us. God loves ALL people. He sent his son to die for ALL people. And all he expects of us is do to the same- love people. ALL people. No matter what they may think, believe, or do. We need to love them.

So that's what I'm working on- seeing people through the eyes of Jesus and just loving them.