Friday, December 31, 2010

land among the stars

I have an issue with making new years resolutions. People (myself included) make resolutions every year around this time and we almost expect them to be broken within 2 weeks of the new year. Or at least I'm that way. I don't know a single person who has kept a new years resolution all year long. so I'm not doing that this year- I'm making goals for 2011. There's a quote, "shoot for the moon, even if you miss, you'll land among the stars." I've always applied this to mean- If you set a goal, you may or may not achieve it, but you'll at least accomplish something worthwhile. So, that's what I'm doing this year. I'm making goals for myself for 2011. I may or may not stick to or finish them, but hopefully some good will come of it. So without any further ado, my list of 11 goals for 2011. (get it.. 11 goals, 2011.. oh thats gold)

1. Spend more time reading my Bible

2. Spend more time in prayer

3. Learn to like brussel sprouts. I really can't stand anything about them. They smell awful, look awful, and i'm assuming taste awful as well. But they're good for me, so I'm going to like them. (positive thinking right?)

4. Correct people less. I'm a grammar/speech nazi. And I don't always filter when I should. I know being corrected is a pet peeve for a lot of people, so I'm going try to stop.

5. read 10 books. I realize that doesn't seem like a lot for an entire year, but I really don't read much and I realize I need to read a lot more often. Hopefully this is just a jumping off point.

6. Along with that, I want to read (or maybe complete??) the Harry Potter series. Go ahead and judge me. I haven't read a single book of the series, and with the influence the books have had on our society, I really should. (I haven't decided yet if the HP books will count towards my 10 I read this year yet..)

7. As cliche as it is, I want to drink less soda. (Roommates: we are doing this!)

8. Spend less money on myself and more on others in need. I can be so selfish and worldly. That's coming to an end.

9. Keep up my 4.0!

10. Get a job, both this semester and this summer (HOPEFULLY, i'll have my summer job back though!)

11. Let go and let God. I have a HUGE problem doing this! Seriously, I am way to controlling of my own life, and I don't know when I'll ever learn just to STOP. It's a goal.

So there it is, my goal list for 2011. You are all more than welcome (in fact, it would be appreciated if you would) to keep me accountable on these! I hope every has a safe and wonderful new years!

Saturday, December 25, 2010

away in a manger

I don't really have a lot to say, mostly because it would sound cliche or corny. Today has been so wonderful- getting to spend time with my family is always wonderful, and I get to do it all over again tomorrow. Tons of christmas movie watching, delicious food eating, present opening, and laughing until we're crying all around. But of course today is even more special because we have a God that loved us so much he sent his son to be our savior. I still can't wrap my mind around that enough to comprehend.

This video was on my sweet cousin's wall, and I had to share it. It may seem a little cheesy, but something about it hits so close to home. I was definitely in tears by the end.. But that's probably because it doesn't take a whole lot to make me turn into a blubbering baby. This message is really special though.

I hope you all have had a wonderful and blessed Christmas! Spend time with your loved ones and remember the greatest gift of all.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

believe and be satisfied

I can't take credit for this. And i'm not totally positive who the credit is due to originally. I got this from Kelly, but my youth minister's sweet wife has also shared this with me. It's something I think everyone needs to hear, so I'm passing it along.

Everyone longs to give themselves completely to someone --
to have a deep soul-relationship with another,
to be loved thoroughly, and exclusively.
But God, to the Christian, says,
No, not until you are satisfied with loving me alone...
I love you, my child.
And until you discover that only in me is your satisfaction to be found,
you will not be capable of the perfect human relationship I have planned for you.
You will never be united with another until you are united with Me --
exclusive of anyone or anything else,
exclusive of any longings or desires.
I want you to stop planning,
stop wishing and allow me to give you the most thrilling plan existing --
one that you cannot imagine.
I want you to keep watching me, expecting the greatest things,
keep experiencing that satisfaction knowing that I AM,
keep learning and listening to the things that I tell you...
you must wait.
Do not be anxious.
Do not worry.
Do not look around at the things that others have gotten or I have given them.
Do not look at things off or away from me, or you will miss what I will show you.
And then, when you are ready,
I will surprise you with a love far more wonderful than any you would dream.
You see, until you are ready and until the one I have planned for you is ready...
I am working even this minute to have both of you ready at the same time...
Until you are both satisfied exclusively with me
and the life I have prepared for you,
you will not be able to experience the love that exemplifies your relationship with Me,
and enjoy materially and concretely the everlasting union of beauty and perfection
and love that I offer you myself.
Know that I love you utterly.
I am God Almighty, believe and be satisfied.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Back to December

So last night we finally decorated our apartment for Christmas, and Morgan looks at the clock and it's about 1:20 am and realizes that means it's OFFICIALLY December! So we hugged and sung Christmas carols.. obviously.

I LOVE December. If I had to pick a favorite month, it would definitely be in the running for number 1. It's just perfect. Here's why:

1. Cold weather. There is nothing better than a really chilly, frosty morning. And cold weather means cold weather clothes! Scarves, mittens, boots, hats, sweaters, coats... I mean, it just doesn't get much cuter than that.

2. Snow. Or the Possibility of Snow. I love snow. LOVE IT. And being born and raised in Houston, I don't get to see it. I had my very first snow day last year, and it was wonderful. But even the anticipation of snow is great. Nosed pressed to the window eagerly watching for the flurries to fall... it's great.

3. Christmas Music. And Decorations. And just all things Christmas. It's no secret that Christmas is by far my favorite time of year. Sorry Thanksgiving, just move on over because Christmas has you beat by a landslide. Christmas music is definitely my favorite. I really hate that whole "no Christmas music until the day after thanksgiving" thing.. so what if I've been listening to it since October? And Christmas Decorations? Ah, perfect. I love downtown Houston during Christmas season because of all of the glorious Christmas lights.

4. HOME. No offense, Abilene. You're great and I love you. But lets get real, I LOVE being home. And starting December 10, I get to be home for 5 WEEKS. Bring on the movie marathons, pedicures, shopping trips to REAL malls, starbucks dates, Panera Bread and all of the wonderful family/friend quality time.

5. It's that time of year when the world falls in love. I just quoted a Christmas carol. Please don't judge. But this time of year is just more magical than any other. And I realize that I sound like a 5-year old saying that, but I don't really care. You hear all the time about how suicides go up a ton around the holidays and it's just really hard. And I get that, the Holidays are difficult for people when loved ones are lost.. But there's still something so beautiful about this time of year. I might just be optimistic, but I think everything seems just a little bit happier this time of year.

So there you have it. My list of why I am absolutely in love with December. Hopefully you have a little bit more appreciation for it, too...

Personal note: just 3 more days of classes, 1 week of finals, and then I'm DONE for the semester!