Don't get me wrong, I adore the colors, and the poofy dresses with white shoes, the fluffy bunnies, and of course the chocolate eggs are fantastic.. but this is a day about our savior being RISEN! And my goodness, that's surely something to celebrate, and celebrate everyday! But where is the relation between Jesus' great news and hunting for Easter eggs? Maybe I'm just missing some big metaphor or something..
fun fact: if you google-image "easter" this is the first image that comes up. that should say something.

Anywho.. I'm not downing Easter in ANY way, please don't think that. Like I said earlier, i really do love Easter (not as much as I love Christmas.. but nothing tops that time of year!) but nonetheless, I love it. I'm just curious as to when it became all about buying easter baskets and dresses.. Shouldn't we be focusing on what an AWESOME story we have to tell the world?? Maybe our culture has just added the gifts and candy to give even more reason to celebrate.. I'm just hoping the true meaning doesn't get lost.
On a lighter note.. I get to be the easter bunny twice this weekend. Ohhh yea (and on this note.. i have a really big blog with some exciting news coming soon.. its just in the process right now.. but i promise- it's coming!)