I haven't really had much to say either.. Nothing much has happened.. nothing to write about at least. Nothing to bad, nothing to exciting. My life is just kind of bland right now. Which isn't necessarily a bad thing, but not a good thing either..
Kelly had her senior presentation last weekend.. she looked beautiful, of course. It was really great to be back in Houston and see her in her element.

so anyway, school is going well. Hopefully this semester won't be so stressful, but I'm sure I'll find someway to stress myself out over something. I need to work on that..
I joined a gym today! I'm proud of myself, and I'm definitely going to take initiative and stick with it :)
I'm spending a wonderful evening with three of the sweetest girls i know, morgan, kaci, and my precious roomate.
the new lady antebellum cd comes out in a couple days.. i'm reeeeeeally excited :) hence the title of this post.. :)
i want to be back in honduras. oh i miss that place so much..
I'm sorry this is such a total pointless blog. For real, I have nothing inspirational to say. My relationship with God isn't at its best, so that's probably why I haven't felt like myself lately..
Hopefully the next post will be more worthwhile to read... :)